Erick Sati


Download the latest version(v135)

Understanding letter forms and their interworkings is crucial. Several factors can make or break good type, poor line spacing can make text unreadable, bad kerning can change how we read words. Unifying all elements is what makes a typeface clear and readable. I decided that in order to truly understand all factors in type that I should create my own font face, this would expose me to several type issues and the root of their problems. I've been working on this face for almost a year and I've learned so much from it and it's still nowhere near complete. Multiple weights will make one font more dynamic and universally appreciated, much of my focus has been on creating different weights that that do not move type around.

Because of ProtoType's unique ability to not change character spacing it becomes a more versatile font. Below the characters are actively changing weights to show that each weight is the same width.

I started this project in the early development of Astral Gunners. In my game I wanted to say that I had created literally every art asset on screen. And I couldnt say that while we were still using Helvetica. I had started a project in school where I sculpted some bold letters that looked similar to Bebas in regards to having strong tall capitals. These characters would become the font's bold capitals. Bold lowercase were the next letters to be created, but I soon realized that starting with bold was going about it all wrong. The regular weight was created before bold had finished lowercase. When I started regular weight lowercase letters was when I realized how serious this project was becoming. I spent many night studying other fonts, how tall their x-height was, how far apart each letter was, how far beyond baseline did curves go. To this day I'm still researching, learning, and growing, in order to create a font I'm proud of.

Application in Other Projects

Even though the font is incomplete I still offer a download to anyone who would like to look at or use my font. If you try out the font and want to let me know where I can improve it, feel free to let me know about any imperfections.

Download the latest version(v135)